Asynchrony Runners Blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Training Time

I rolled out of bed this morning, narrowly missing the nite stand, catching the kleenex box with my outstrenched arm, knocking the water glass off the edge and finally landing on the floor on top of the dog...who was not amused. I just didn't want to be late for the first training run of the 2005 Lewis & Clark 1/2 Marathon season. As it turns out, I ended up being very early, and due to a forgotten meeting, ended up running alone at 0730 for a quick 4 miler before the SAFB guys showed up.

All in all, not a bad way to kick off the day :P

Monday, June 13, 2005

Race for the Cure, Saturday June 18th, 2005

This coming Saturday is the annual St. Louis Race for the Cure to benefit cancer research. It's a great way to support research for this cause, and a nice 5K warm up for training that starts this coming Monday.

See you there!

Here we go (1/2) again

Well, it's that time of the year again when spring gives way to summer and the runners come out in force, early in the morning or late in the afternoon. It's also time again to start training for our next 1/2 marathon, the Lewis and Clark.

There are several training programs out there (Hal Higdon's the Fleet Feet program), but most start this coming Monday the 20th of June. It's all good :)